
From 50

Just a little more… go with the flow.

Sailor has no worries and floats to its own rhythm. Enjoy its soothing, floating effect. Stress, what’s that?


Sailor floating candles for pond or pool are floating outdoor candles available in 2 different sizes.

Feistily floating in a pool or swimming pond, they bring an unbeatable atmosphere. That’s why they are just that little bit different. That’s why they are truly UMAII.

Like all UMAII candles, these handmade floating candles do not melt in the sun.

The smallest floating candle M has a diameter of 20 cm and 50 burning hours. The largest floating candle L has a diameter of 30 cm and burns for up to 60 hours.

These Sailor floating candles have both an inner and outer wax surface. Therefore, we ask that you always pick up this Sailor with both hands.

To prevent them all floating gently in the same direction, it is best to turn off the pool pump for a while.
